Getting an education isn’t easy, but it’s an accomplishment worth all the long days and late nights. Programs such as Compete LA are meant to alleviate some of the pressures that keep returning students and adult learners from achieving their educational goals. But even with those sorts of helpful programs, sometimes it’s still hard to imagine our goals actually becoming reality.
If you need inspiration or a bit of hope, listen to Yonna Pasch tell her incredible story of how she faced and overcame challenges by becoming her own best advocate.
“If you know what you want to get done and what you want to accomplish, you are the best person to make that happen,” she said during this installment of Beyond 1894. “And I learned it through my cancer journey, my internship, and the doctoral program here at Tech.”
Pasch is the Director of Student Activities and Organizations at Northwestern State University of Louisiana. She recently graduated with a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership from Louisiana Tech. She is the perfect example of how universities within the UL system work together to advance the education of our state.
Website: 1894.latech.edu/beyond/
Email: 1894@latech.edu
Download the transcript to this episode.
Check out the graduate programs within the the department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Leadership.