In this episode, Tonya Oaks Smith talks cybersecurity with J.E. Barnes Professor of Computer Information Systems Dr. Tom Stafford. He recently had a new article, “Platform-Dependent Computer Security Complacency: The Unrecognized Insider Threat” published in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Stafford recently evolved the theory of Cybersecurity Complacency to describe the actions and views of well-meaning, […]
26. WRLDINVSN: The Power of Passion
This episode was recorded in the podcast studio at WRLDINVSN’s newest headquarters, a massive warehouse in Ruston serving their day-to-day operations. Co-founders of the WRLDINVSN brand, Marlon Watts and Nicholas Clark, have a lot to say about Louisiana Tech University helping them turn a passion project into a million-dollar clothing company. The 2019 Young Alumni […]
From passion project to nationwide movement: WRLDINVSN is taking over
Marlon Watts (’18, Management) and Nicholas Clark (’18, Graphic Design), co-founders of WLRDINVSN, show passion for their business and determination to succeed.
Student Managed Investment Fund seed grows into hands-on learning
The Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) within the College of Business is now one of the largest undergraduate student investment funds in the state thanks to generous commitments from leadership donors in the College of Business.
16. Bob Cunningham: The Executive in Residence
Dr. Bob Cunningham doesn’t teach accounting as much as he teaches individual people who happen to be students. A three-time College of Business graduate (1973, MBA 1985, DBA 1996), Cunningham is Louisiana Tech’s second Executive in Residence and the first to tell you that his faith calls him to make connections with people, specifically students, […]
Kellie Mounger: ‘There is just something different about real interaction with others while learning…’
Wrapping up final projects and taking online exams from her kitchen table or bedroom office is not how Kellie Mounger envisioned her last quarter as an undergraduate.